


Deforestation. In Thailand, deforestation is a serious problem, which has also led to the aggravation of landslides. In addition, the decline in the efficiency of flood management infrastructure and changes in land use patterns have also made the flood situation worse.
Coastal erosion. In recent 20 years, coastal erosion has developed rapidly, including both human and natural factors. Coastal erosion often occurs in Thailand. In the past decade, erosion has intensified, which has led to the loss of 50% of mangroves in Thailand.
Sea level rise. The sea level in the Gulf of Thailand is rising at a rate of 3-5 mm per year, compared with 1.7 mm per year worldwide. When sea level rises, it is usually accompanied by land subsidence. This means that in some areas, such as the Bangkok metropolitan area and the estuary of the Gulf of Thailand, the net rise of sea level is up to 25 mm per year.
