中新社雅加达3月14日电 (记者 林永传)印尼气象、气候和地球物理局网站消息,该国北苏门答腊省附近海域14日发生6.9级地震,救灾当局已派工作小组前往了解灾情。至记者发稿时,尚无人员伤亡和财产损失报告。






JAKARTA, March 14 -- Indonesia's Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysical Agency website news, the country's North Sumatra province near the sea on March 14, a 6.9 magnitude earthquake, disaster relief authorities have sent a working group to understand the situation. At press time, no casualties or property damage have been reported.

 The earthquake occurred at 4:09 p.m. Jakarta time (5:09 p.m. Beijing time), with the epicenter located at 0.71 degrees south latitude and 98.50 degrees east longitude in the sea near South Nias district, North Sumatra province, at a depth of 25 kilometers.

 When the earthquake occurred, a number of counties (cities) in North Sumatra Province and West Sumatra Province, which are closer to the epicenter, had strong tremors. The earthquake authorities did not issue a tsunami warning.

 That morning, the Indonesian Meteorological, Climate and Geophysical Agency recorded a number of aftershocks near the epicenter, the highest of which had a magnitude of 6.0.

 The head of Indonesia's National Disaster Response Agency, Suhar Yanto, said at a press conference that day that a working group had been assigned to go near the epicenter to understand the situation. At press time, no casualties or property damage had been reported.



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