中新社曼谷3月13日电 据泰国媒体13日报道,一辆双层旅游大巴12日下午在泰国北标府境内发生车祸,目前已造成8人遇难,20多人受伤。





 China news agency, Bangkok, March 13-according to Thai media reports on the 13th, a double-decker tourist bus crashed in the afternoon of the 12th in Thailand's Beibiao Province, killing eight people and injuring more than 20 others. 

Reported that the bus carrying a total of 32 people, the morning from Li Yifu to Bangkok, through the accident section of the road, out of control at high speed hit the middle of the road isolation pier and pier. The strong impact caused many passengers to be thrown out of the car, and the contents of the car were scattered on the ground. 

A video clip taken by the front camera of the accident vehicle posted online showed that when the bus hit the pier at high speed, it stirred up smoke and dust around, passengers fell to the ground, and the front and body of the bus were seriously damaged and deformed.

It is reported that five people were killed on the spot and the rest of the passengers were injured to varying degrees, 10 of whom were seriously injured. Three more people died after the injured were sent to hospital. 

Local police said the cause of the accident may be the driver's fatigue driving. As the driver was injured and treated in hospital, the police will then question him and charge him accordingly.



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